
Thursday, 18th July 2024 was our Annual Leavers' Mass. The Y6 children helped Father Mark during his homily - sharing how they have lived out the Gospel Values that we have received from Jesus. Together, the twelve values built the school logo - see the images.

Also, during the Mass we thanked Mr Tony Turner for his years of outstanding service as a school governor. He remains a steadfast friend to SMSB. Thanks Mr Turner. :-)

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On Thursday 28th March 2024, Holy Thursday, our school remembered the events of Holy Week for our school community and members of our parish.

Thu 28 Mar Congregation.jpg Thu 28 Mar Last Supper.jpg Thu 28 Mar Jesus meets Mary.jpg Thu 28 Mar Veronica wipes the face of Jesus.jpg Thu 28 Mar Father Mark closing remarks.jpg

What we are never aware of is the intervention of the Holy Spirit, who guides the faithful to view services from near or far... After this liturgy, several people emailed Father Mark with feedback. Here are some of these comments:

"I was lucky to stream this mornings special service. May I send my thanks to the children,staff and priest, for the lovely work done by them all. My day has started beautifully thanks to them. I wish you all,Peace..Joy..and Hope."

"I happened upon the above service this morning on ChurchTV and just wanted to say how prayerful and inspiring I found it and how well the children had done in presenting it. Thank you for this prayerful start to the Triduum."

"That was absolutely amazing and beautiful, the actors and readers were fantastic."

Wednesday 24th January 2024 was the final day for Seminarian Paul in our parish. We thanked him for his service and wished him well...

Here is a photograph of Father Mark, Seminarian Paul & Southworth Class:

Final day for Seminarian Paul.jpg

This photograph (below) is from the Salford Diocesan Schools' Singing Programme Carol Service. Our Y3 and Y4 children are taught by Miss Kathryn Bradley (as seen in the photograph) each week and they have really progressed with their singing skills and reportoire. We came together with our friends from Our Lady and St Gerard's Roman Catholic Primary School (pupils in blue) to worship and to share a terrific carol concert with families and parishioners.

Joint SDSSP carol service 2023.jpg

Altogether, Kathryn and Alex Patterson, the programme's director, delivered five concerts across the Salford Diocese. They have compiled a beautiful amalgamation of these concerts in this YouTube piece: We shared it with our school on Friday for our final act of worship before breaking up: let us hope that each one of our children can become a 'Child of peace': what a great Christmas gift that would be!

These photographs are from our Harvest Mass on Sunday 24th September. Our children were involved: serving on the altar; taking up gifts during the offertory procession or in reading the prayers of intercession. Our thanks to all at church who make these Masses possible - we understand how much time and effort it takes!

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The images are all courtesy of Dave Gorman - again, many thanks to him.