Rigby - Year 4 2024 - 2025
Miss Mercer
Deputy Headteacher
Ms Patel
Welcome to Rigby Class!
Miss Mercer - Class Teacher
Ms Patel - HLTA
Key Information can be found in our class folders.
If you need anything further, please speak to one of us or contact the school office.
Thank you
St. John Rigby
1570 - 21 June 1600
Saint John Rigby was born in 1570 at Harrock Hall, Eccleston, Lancashire.
He was the fifth or sixth son of Nicholas and Mary Rigby.
He is one of the "Forty Martyrs of England and Wales" and died for his Catholic beliefs in London in 1600.
Many years later, in 1970, Rigby was canonized and his feast day is 25th October.
Rigby - Year 4: Gallery items
How a dishwasher works - Lesson 2, by Ms Patel
How a dishwasher works, by Ms Patel
Our Reading Corner, by Ms Patel